
Diamond Ripples Quilt Block Tutorial

Diamond Ripples Quilt Block Tutorial
from the book 99 Quilt Blocks - Modern Blocks
by Susanne Woods

This makes a 12.5" unfinished block

Cut 18 - 3" squares from background fabric (book says 2 7/8")
Cut 3 - 3' squares from 6 different fabrics - total of 18 squares

Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of each background square.
With right sides together sew on both sides of the line - in one continuous line - do one side and the without cutting threads, do the other side - it makes one big circle and goes pretty fast this way

cut on the draw line in between your stitching

arrange the blocks near your sewing machine

I started on one side and flipped a block onto the block on the side of it and kept them in order and went down the line - or you could sew one by one - just keep them in the correct order

I sewed each column leaving the threads attached to maintain the correct order.
Then sewed the top two together, middle two, bottom two.
Then sewed top to middle, middle to bottom, etc

The I sewed the rows together.

other examples I found

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